Weather Forecasting ... On-Line

Weather Station Identifiers

Kansas ... Missouri ... Nebraska ... Oklahoma ... Colorado


K1K5Elkhart KFRIFort Riley KLWCLawrence
KAAOWichita (Jarbara) KGBDGreat Bend KMHKManhattan
KCFVCoffeyville KGCKGarden City KOJCOlathe (Executive)
KCNKConcordia KGLDGoodland KP28Medicine Lodge
KCNUChanute KHLCHill City KPPFParsons
KDDCDodge City KHUTHutchinson KPTTPratt
KEHAElkhart KHYSHayes KRSLRussell
KEMPEmporia KIABMcConnell AFB/Wichita KSLNSalina
KEWKNewton KICTWichita KTOPTopeka (Billard)
KFLVFort Leavenworth KIXDOlathe (New Century) KURLBurlington
KFOETopeka (Forbes) KLBLLiberal KWLDArkansas City/Winfield


K3SZSt Charles KIRKKirksville KSGFSpringfield
KAIZKaiser Lake Ozark KJEFJefferson City KSTJSt Joseph
KCDJChillicothe/Litton KJLNJoplin KSTLSt Louis (Lambert)
KCGICape Girardeau KLXTLee's Summit KSUSSt Louis (Spirit of)
KCOUColumbia KMCIKansas City (International) KSZLWhiteman ABF
KDMOSedalia KMKCKansas City (Municipal) KTBNFort Leonard Wood/Tribune
KFAMFarmington KPOFPopular Bluff KUNOWest Plains
KGVWGrandview KSETSt Charles/Smartt KVIHVichy/Rolla


KAIAAlliance KFNBFalls City KOFFOffutt AFB/Belle
KANWAnsworth KGRIGrand Island KOFKNorfolk
KAUHAurora KHSIHastings KOLUColumbia
KBBWBroken Bow KIMLImperial KOMAOmaha
KBFFScotts Bluff KLBFNorth Platte KONLO'Neill
KBIEBeatrice KLNKLincoln KOVNNorth Omaha
KBUBBurwell KMCKMcCook KSNYSidney
KCDRChadron KMHNMullen KTQETekamah
KCZDCozad KOAXNWS Omaha KVTNValentine
KEARKearney KORXOrd   


K1F0Ardmore (Executive) KGOKGuthrie KPWAOklahoma City (Wiley Post)
KADMArdmore (Municpal) KGUYGuymon KRKRPoteau
KAVKAlva KHBRHobart KRVSTulsa (Jones)
KBVOBartlesville KLAWLawton KSPSWichita Falls (TX)
KCSMClinton KLTSAltus AFB/Altus KSWOStillwater
KENDVance AFB/Enid KMKOMuskogee KTIKTinker AFB
KFDRFrederick KMLCMcAlester KTULTulsa
KFSIFort Sill KOKCOklahoma City KWDGEnid/Woodring
KGAGGage KOUNNorman   
KGMJGrove KPNCPonca City   


KAFFAF Academy/Colorado Springs KDRODurango KLHXLaJunta
KAKOAkron KEEOMeeker KLICLimon
KALSAlamosa KEGEEagle KLXVLeadville
KAPADenver (Centennial) KFCSFort Carson/Colorado Springs KMTJMontrose
KASEAspen KFNLFort Collins/Loveland KPUBPueblo
KBJCBroomfield KGJTGrand Junction KRILRifle
KBKFAurora/Buckley ANG Base KGUCGunnison KSPDSpringfield
KCAGCraig KGXYGreeley KTADTrinidad
KCEZCortez KHDNHay KTEXTelluride
KCOSColorado Springs KITRBurlington   
KDENDenver KLAALamar   

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Last updated on 3/09/10